
Analysis using two variables

Analysis using two variables can be conducted in three ways depending on the type of variables selected.

In the case of two categorical variables the result will be a crosstable that shows the number of companies that are in the common categories of the two variables. Analysing the year and county variable shows for example that in each year how many companies responded in each county. The results can be displayed in percentages as well. Selecting the ’Row’ option will show that among all companies in a given row how many is in each category of the variable in the column. Chosing the ’Column’ options shows the distribution of companies in the columns by the row categories. The ’Total’ option shows that among all responding companies how many is in each section of the crosstable.

Analysis of a categorical and a scale type variable the means of the scale variable are shown in each category of the other variable. For example, if the county and the statistical size of staff employed variables are included the results will show the mean statistical size of companies in each county.

In case of two scale variables the results will be the correlation between the two variables. Selection of the statistical size of staff employed and the expected number of employees in the next year, for example, shows how strongly is the current and the expected number of employees correlated.

Starting an analysis

Responses of the companies can be analysed using the variables of the left list by dragging the selected variable to the analysis area.

In the analysis two variables can be included.

After selecting the variables the results can be opened and saved in a printable version.

Analysis using one variable

Selecting one variable - depending on the type of the variable - a frequency table and a table containing the most used descriptive statistics are shown in the results.

In the case of variables containing categories (nominal and ordinal measurement level variables) the frequency table shows the amount and proportion of companies that are part of each category. The frequency in the descriptive statistics table show the number of responding companies to the selected question while the mode shows which category was chosen by the companies most frequently.

In the case of variables showing amounts - scale measurement level variables the results contain only the table of descriptive statistics.